We believe that this is the world's first, only, and fastest method that teaches playing lead guitar in all musical keys without memorizing fingering charts or knowing a single guitar chord or any written music at all!
- Simple songs are played the first day in any key (this is 40 times faster than any other method).
- Zero memorization
- You recall only the melody of familiar songs
- Play with confidence publicly soon due to no written music and nothing to remember
- Songs are easily pitched perfectly to your vocal range
- The method even remembers the key you are playing in
- Embellishments and improvisations are especially easy, and
- Also learn to play lead guitar four other ways!
- Also learn to play guitar with triad chords!

This Color-Coded Method™ was conceived by John Karickhoff, M.D.
This website was written and is supported by John Karickhoff, M.D.
The purpose of this website is to speed up learning to play lead guitar greatly. This is accomplished by sticking colored dots onto the fretboard to show the location of the basic finger playing pattern for the key of G. This same fingering pattern for G is used for all keys except it is moved to a different location on the fretboard. The different location is also color-coded for each key. That is all you need to know to play any song in any key. None of this has to be remembered because it is stuck on the fretboard right where you are looking to play the guitar.
This website teaches you to play lead guitar in all the major scales extremely rapidly. This course does not discuss minor scales or the pentatonic scale. If those scales are your interest, sticking those scales on your guitar and using my color-coded method would be the fastest way to learn to play in those scales.
Please note that this website can teach you this method of playing lead guitar in five minutes. But you will not be playing songs until you have put some markers on the fretboard and looked over the fingering pattern. Of course, to play at the usual speed of the song, one must practice.

There are many styles of guitars but basically only three ways to play them. One way is to play the chords of the song while the melody of the song comes from another source (you singing or from another musician). This is called playing rhythm guitar. The second way is to play the melody on the guitar and someone else plays the chords. This is called playing lead guitar. The third method is to play the lead and the chords simultaneously. I call this Simul.

The essential job of the lead guitar is to play the melody, but it also includes playing embellishments/improvisations while another instrument or a singer is providing the melody. Lead guitar can be played from sheet music, but in this method, no written music is used. We use just your memory of the melody.