About Dr. Karickhoff

Dr. Karickhoff plays the guitar, ukulele, organ, keyboard, piano, cornet, and harmonica. He performs regularly at church, at a music club founded in 1907, and is the vocalist for the “Nostalgics”, an 18-piece jazz band in Naples, FL. He has several songs on You Tube, some in which he plays keyboard, lead and rhythm guitar, and sings four vocal parts such as “A Closer Walk With Thee”.
Dr. Karickhoff was born in Spencer, WV in 1938. He graduated from Marshall University, Magna Cum Laude. At Marshall he was President of his Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior Classes, and his Senior year was President of the Student Body. He graduated from Duke University Medical School and completed his Internship and eye specialization Residency at Duke University. He served in the U.S. Army Medical Corps (Major, Viet Nam, Bronze Star), and founded a free surgery clinic for Vietnamese civilians. His private practice was in Falls Church, VA, he taught eye surgery at Georgetown University Medical Center in Washington, D.C. for 30 years receiving the Vicennial Teaching Award. In his research he developed many instruments and devices sold internationally, and holds U.S. Patents. He is probably the only eye doctor in history who has made a significant contribution or an innovation for each of the 14 parts of the human eye (documented at EyeFloaters.com; see Free Book on pages 210-226). His last contribution was in working on laser treatment of eye floaters. He became the world authority in this area because he developed the surgical lenses that most doctors in the world use for that procedure, he wrote the first and only book on the procedure, and did all the research presented to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration on this procedure. Patients came from every U. S. state and 42 foreign counties to him for this surgery.
He initiated and financially sponsors an Ocular Innovation Award at Duke and Georgetown Universities. In his retirement he organized the Corrales Ocular Innovation Institute; (see EyeFloaters.com; and go to Our Ocular Innovation Institute) and serves as its Director of Medical Research. In 2024 he conceived and endowed the Duke Ocular Innovation Hub.

I would like to thank J. D. Gray for playing the piano on two of my videos. He plays piano only by ear. This make jamming a real joy.
I would like to dedicate this guitar website to Vic Timmarchi, my teacher, in Naples, Florida. His friendship and teaching have been the inspiration for me to progress from a few chords on the first three frets to this website.
COMMENTS: If you have suggestions to improve this website, you can email them to Dr. Karickhoff at [email protected].